We are the only company who offer transportation service for 3 days at a very low price.
With the Unlimited Arenal Shuttle Pas you can visit all the attractions of La Fortuna and its surroundings at a single price. You can use it for 3 days during your stay.
La Fortuna Waterfall, The Rock Pools, Arenal Volcano National Park, El Castillo, Hot Springs Resorts, 1968 Lava Trail, Free Hot Spring River, Arenal Lake, Free Jungle Trail and more attractions available in the area.
We are the only company who offer transportation service for 3 days at a very low price
Route # 142 from La Fortuna town to the Arenal Lake, then the route around the Arenal Lake to the National Park , Castillo Town & 1968 Lava Trail and then again to route #142 by the Police Station.
From La Fortuna Town route #702 to the entrance of La Fortuna Waterfall route # 301 & Rock Pools, Then to La Fortuna Waterfall Park el Castillo Town and viceversa.
The waterfall falls between 70 and 75 meters, with wonderful views and landscapes.
Spend the morning or afternoon jumping off rocks, swimming in the waterhole.
The thermal heated Tabacon river, which heats the springs at the famous Tabacon Resort.
It is currently the largest lake in Costa Rica at 85-square-kilometre (33 sq mi). Its depth varies between 30 and 60 meters (100–200 feet) season.
Amazing views of the volcano, you will walk through the lava from that last eruption. A magical place.
Beautiful free hiking trail near Arenal Volcano & Lake. This is a natural and free trail located in La Fortuna, next to Lake Arenal.
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